indian recipes

Low calorie/Low fat Dessert Recipe : Saffron Cardamom Squares

This site provides you the information on the Indian Cooking Recipes and much more! Learn how to cook the following Low Carb Recipe. To see more of the Low Carb Recipes click here.

Nutrient Content:

Per Serving:  
Calories 48  
Protein 8g   
Carbohydrates 4g   
Fat 0.08g


8 teaspoons chopped china grass
3 teacups skim milk
mixture with 3 teaspoons skim milk powder
3 teaspoons sugar
2 pinches cardamom power
2 pinches saffron

For the strawberry sauce:
1 teacup fresh strawberry puree
2 teaspoons corn flour
8 teaspoons sugar (approx.)
Juice of ˝ lemon

Method :

Add 1 teacup of water to the China grass and cook on a slow flame until it dissolves completely. Strain.
Both the milk (keeping aside a little) and add the China grass, sugar and cardamom.
Warm the saffron, add the skim milk kept aside and mix until the saffron dissolves.
Add to the mixture and heat for 3 to 4 minutes.
Spread in a plate and put to set in the refrigerator. 

When set, cut into square pieces and serve. Alternatively, set in individual glasses and serve.

For the strawberry sauce:
Mix the corn flour and sugar in 1 teacup of water and cook while stirring continuously.
When the sauce is thick and clear, remove the heat.
Add the strawberry puree and lemon juice and mix well.