indian recipes

Crab Recipe : Alaska King Crab Bitter Orange Soup

Check out the following Crab Meat(Seafood) Recipe and try it on your own. Enjoy the flavour of fresh Seafood and other fish recipes listed in this section, with the recipe information provided for seafood online!


     1 cup (1/2 lb) Alaska King Crab meat 
     4 cups Water
     2 Tbsp Olive Oil

     2 cloves Garlic, sliced
     1/3 cup thinly sliced Onion
     3/4 cup bitter Orange Juice
     1 tsp Lemon Juice

Method :

In a heavy pot, bring the water to a rolling boil. Reduce heat to simmer. In a separate pan, heat the oil. Add the garlic and sauté 5 minutes on low heat. Remove the garlic and discard. Add the onion and sauté 7 minutes. Transfer the onion to the simmering water. Cook 20 minutes, then stir in the crab meat. Simmer an additional 2 minutes, then add the bitter orange and lemon juices. Serve immediately. This soup can be refrigerated and reheated.