indian recipes

Badam Kheer

Indian Cooking Recipe : Badam Kheer

Ingredients :
1 cup Badam
4 to 6 cups milk
1 cup sugar
½ tsp saffron
a small pinch Kesari powder

Method :
Soak saffron in little cold milk, and keep aside.
Soak badam in hot water for at least 1 hour.
Peel skin and grind the almond into a fine
paste with 1 cup of milk instead of water.
Measure the amount of badam paste and keep the same amount of sugar aside.
Cook the badam paste for 5 to 10 and keep on stirring it constantly, till the flavour comes out.
Now put sugar and keep stirring.
Add the remaining milk, and boil for 10 to 15 minutes.
Add the soaked saffron.
Ready to serve.